
PR's are welcome. The repository comes with Vagrant machine instructions and Ansible provisioning to get a basic Wagtail build up and running.


Getting started

  1. Build the machine

    vagrant up
  2. Create a superuser

    ./ createsuperuser
  3. Run the site. It will be accessible at http://localhost:8019

  4. Go to the admin and start building forms by creating child pages.

  5. You can also run Mailcatcher to catch any emails the site sends if you want to test email functionality. Mailcatcher will be accessible at http://localhost:1080


Working on the front end

  1. Install packages

    nvm use
    npm install
  2. Run the watch task

    npm run watch
  3. Modify the JS and SASS source files in wagtail_advanced_form_builder/static_src/