Using a custom page model

The most likely scenario for using this package is to use your own defined Page model which inherits from the abstract form classes the package provides.


The following is an example of implementing a custom Page model which uses the package provided streamfield block: InlineFormBlock.

You'll need to implement:

  1. A form field that inherits from AbstractAdvancedFormField and defines a page parental key foreign relationship to your page model.
  2. A Page model that inherits from AbstractAdvancedEmailForm and defines a form_field property that is set to your form field model.

This will give you a page setup that looks something like below with your Form configurable in the second tab:

Custom Form Page

    from django.db import models
    from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

    from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import TabbedInterface, ObjectList, StreamFieldPanel        
    from wagtail.core import blocks            
    from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
    from wagtail.core.models import Page

    from wagtail_advanced_form_builder.models.abstract_advanced_email_form import AbstractAdvancedEmailForm
    from wagtail_advanced_form_builder.models.abstract_advanced_form_field import AbstractAdvancedFormField
    from wagtail_advanced_form_builder.blocks import InlineFormBlock

    from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey

    class FormBuilderEmailFormField(AbstractAdvancedFormField):

        page = ParentalKey(

    class EmailFormBuilderPage(Page, AbstractAdvancedEmailForm):

        form_field = FormBuilderEmailFormField

        content = StreamField(
                ('paragraph', blocks.RichTextBlock()),
                ('form', InlineFormBlock()),  # Provided by Wagtail Advanced Form Builder

        content_panels = Page.content_panels + [

        edit_handler = TabbedInterface([
            ObjectList(content_panels, heading=_('Content')),
            ObjectList(AbstractAdvancedEmailForm.content_panels, heading=_('Form')),
            ObjectList(Page.promote_panels, heading=_('Promote')),
            ObjectList(Page.settings_panels, heading=_('Settings'), classname="settings"),

        def get_template(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return 'app/email_form_builder_page.html'

Your Page model HTML template then just needs to iterate over the Streamfield blocks defined in the content property. If you extend from the base wagtail_advanced_form_builder/page/form.html (which extends from base.html) it will include all the JS and CSS the page needs to render and validate the form:

        {% extends "wagtail_advanced_form_builder/page/form.html" %}
        {% load wagtailcore_tags %}

        {% block content %}
            <div class='my-very-own-page-wrapper'>
                    {{ page.title }}
                {% for content_block in page.content %}
                    {% include_block content_block %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endblock %}

The form will be rendered inline with your other Streamfield block content.